Gallery Update and Photography Work

Gallery Update and Photography Work

2 min read - 08 Apr, 2024photosgallery

I have been busy this weekend enjoying the sun, and enjoying my new found hobby as a photographer.

Did you know you can get GEO Tagging on a Sony A7 IV, it's not built into the camera, which is unfortunate for it's price, but it does allow you to geo tag pics using the Sony Companion app.

I have managed to get my camera to upload to a FTP, and a clever little c# script runs on the server, and resizes the image into a thumbnail.

The bit that is most impressive is that the geo tagging is stripped out of the thumbnail, and help securely in my photostore (ahem one drive) allowing for precision geo-tagging which is protected on the front end.

I've also managed to utilise the ingenuity of Blazor and introduce a 'Like' button for all the images in the gallery.

Apologies about the data use, the thumbnail thing is a new addition so some of the earlier snaps were in Full 4k which was hitting my data a lot, so now any new pictures auto-uploaded by my camera are reduced 10x and stored on my web server so that cloudflare caches and the site is a lot more kinder to data.

I am very much looking forward to travelling to the edges of the world to try this out, and enable location tracking for all my fan's.

A self promoting update
Published Monday, 8 April 2024