Politicians need changing like diapers, and for the same reasons, why a general election matters.

Politicians need changing like diapers, and for the same reasons, why a general election matters.

3 min read - 22 May, 2024politics

The Conservative Party has been in power for 14 years, following the General Election in May 2010. During this time, there have been five Tory Prime Ministers: David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson,  Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak. It's no secret that the Conservative party promote themselves as managers, they are too "important" ahem "entitled" to do a days work, instead they live off trust funds while the ex prime minister Boris Johnson refers to his 250k salary as "chump change".

British people have become so downtrodden and abused by the system put in place to protect them, i'm starting to believe that the country is experiencing stockholm syndrome on a mass scale.

Communities are stronger in numbers, and it's the working people that are the driving force behind any community, logically a group of people will outshine one person on any level.

So why has the conservative party been abusing the NHS, and anyone who earns less than 150k a year? It's quite simple really, "Fear of change", it's what drove Brexit, it was logically clear that leaving europe would have adverse economic affects on the country, yet 51% of voters voted to leave, and 55% voters currently believe we were wrong to leave.

Brexit poll 2024 | Statista

I'm a software developer, I'm not a career politician, but I have basic life skills, I have emotional empathy, and it's clear to see that the majority of hard working people that aren't millionare status are struggling, they have been oppressed so much that they fear change, they are scared of what could be different.

Voting labour is akin to leaving an abusive relationship.

"Leaving an abusive partner can be a long, tiring and stressful process. The transition to freedom from abuse is often a busy period. Women often find that they don’t have time to process their feelings as they are busy understanding legal processes, arranging housing and securing children’s futures."

Working people are so busy "living" that they really don't have the time to step back, think, and analyse if their vote is important, however, this is probably one of the most important decisions a person can make, this decision affects your children and their children.
This isn't about Labour really, or Keir Starmer, love him or loathe him, this decision will cement itself in history as the people's choice, and the choices are simple:

1. Stay in a conservative goverment, in a party that was labelled a "narc fest" by it's own leader
2. Excercise strength and control, show the people that govern that the british people are the most resiliant and fearless.
A rare politically inspired post, why July the 4th really is independence day, not for Labour but it's inhabitants.
Published Wednesday, 22 May 2024

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