The duality of the natural world

The duality of the natural world

3 min read - 20 Sep, 2024dualityquantum

I've been studying quantum mechanics in my spare time, it sounds like an odd past time, and it's stemmed from my research into the hypothesis do we live in a simulation which is posited at 50-50. 

Quantum mechanics is merely the studying of what makes up the smallest part of our existence, quarks make up atoms and protons, and studying light as a waveform like in the double slit experiment can explain that it's impossible to predict it's behaviour until observed, and this is linked to Scrodingers theories. 

Is light a wave or a particle? It acts like both, it's a wave in the double slit experiment, but acts as a particle when you shine light onto a hard surface. 

Humans are undeniably made up of the same mechanics, humans can have one thought process, and act in a totally different way, it makes them quantum. 

There are studies into quantum cognition, and quantum resonance that explain this more deeply. 

It's this early stage research that could explain our environment, we live in a quantum world that allows us to be tri state, a decision model that only upon observation are our decisions final, up until that point, we are in superposition, and this might explain emotion, and why humans just "don't get each other". 

Current computers are binary, however the complexity of life is more nuanced than that, life is often quantum, the grey area is nothing more than superposition, a decision or path which is undecided. 

This suggests that IF we were living in a simulation this simulation is 100% of a quantum variety, and I don't think that it's programmed in the same way we develop software now. 

A quantum simulation would require a series of quantum rules, made up of quantum calculations, and this defines our existence, it explains gravity, mass and physics around us, our entire existence is defined by quantum rulesets. 

Gravity keeps us grounded, but by applying enough thrust, and reducing mass, we can travel to space. It sounds revolutionary, but we are just exploiting our core programming. 

Quantum is seemingly random, and a set of quantum rules would appear so random, the reality is that in a quantum world the prediction of a quantum particle is 50/50 and this elaborates on Elon Musk and his 50/50 comments, a quantum bit is in superposition but by applying an equation to it's state, like the hadamard equation, we can read a quantum bit and it's current state.

The reality is that representing a quantum state using mathematics is simplex in the scheme of things, but for the purpose of elaboration it fits. 

Now imagine that humans, animals and nature are made of the same ruleset, at a junction you would expect everyone to stop at the red light, but on occasion, someone won't, and this can cause anarchy. Although we follow a path of normality, we always have the ability to do the opposite, this makes us quantum. 

The reality to the world we live in is that the whole world exists in superposition, and until we analyse something it can be one or the other. 

In conclusion, the world is quantum and we should normalize the studying of quantum mechanics in schools and curriculum, it's the very basis of our existence.

Do we live in a quantum simulation?
Published Friday, 20 September 2024

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