What programs can be programmed using quantum computing language?

What programs can be programmed using quantum computing language?

3 min read - 03 Jul, 2024quantum

Quantum is a lot different to your basic programming languages, whereas your standard languages are based on binary, like a switch, an on and off delivers 2 possible values.

When quantum bits are instantiated, they are neither here or there known as a superposition, they can be a multitude of values, it's only when they are measured we trully know their value.

I have been using Quantum Katas by Microsoft, there are other software languages, however underneath the hood, they all use similiar quantum mainframes.

Using QDK you can measure quantum bits or qubits, using a simple line of code:

you can measure the qubits by sending a microwave tone to their resonators and analyzing the signal it reflects back. The phase and amplitude of this reflected signal will be different depending on the qubit state.


What are the different ways we can read a quantum bit?

Hadamard Equation

The hadamard equation uses a mathematical formula to return either a 1 or a 0, when testing, there is a 50/50 chance of getting a one or a zero when measuring 100 qubits

You can generate a random number generator using this form of measurement, or a simple dice application.

Bell State

The bell state in it's simplest explanation is a way to describe 2 entangled qubits, that can't be described from one or another, this is useful in client server cryptography.

You can set the qubit state of one qubit, this will have an affect on it's entangled partner.


Quantum gate teleportation is a quantum circuit construction where a gate is applied to target qubits by first applying the gate to an entangled state and then teleporting the target qubits through that entangled state

This is particularly useful for file transfer, or any transfer however since we need to transfer the state of a control qubit, teleportation can only happen at the speed of light.

Another example of cryptography software can be created using superdense coding.

Superdense coding is a form of secure quantum communication. If an eavesdropper, commonly called Eve, intercepts Alice's qubit en route to Bob, all that is obtained by Eve is part of an entangled state. Without access to Bob's qubit, Eve is unable to get any information from Alice's qubit.

Shors algorithm

Shor's algorithm is a quantum computer algorithm that can solve prime factors of an integer in polynomial time. It allows us to factorize into prime numbers in O(logN ^3) time and O(logN) space. This is useful for Bitcoin and other crypto currencies.

In summary, our implementation of quantum is purely for mathematical applications, helping with predicting weather, and the effects of drugs, by using entanglement, and quantum gates. As our understanding of quantum evolves, we may discover newer ways to read quantum states, allowing for other applications like data storage that could save space by storing quantum values along with their control bits.

Quantum programming explained simply.
Published Wednesday, 3 July 2024

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