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Mwangaza: Light!

Lying in a mud hole, looking up at a white rhino snuffling just inches from my camera, I was having a tough time not giggling or wetting my pants.To be this close to a massive rhinoceros with no remote gear—just me and ...The post Mwangaza: Light! first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

The Long & The Short of It

Among wildlife photographers, it is the long lens that gets all the glory.Less a tool than a symbol, sometimes, the bigger telephoto lenses telegraph to the world that we mean business.The post The Long & The Short of It first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

It’s Not a Photograph. Yet.

My Land Rover pulled up just in time to watch the lions finish their meal.Whatever it was, it’s mostly gone now.The post It’s Not a Photograph.

Packing For An African Safari (Updated)

The notes below are specific to Kenya but having done safaris in Zimbabwe and South Africa as well, most of these suggestions apply just as well to other places.I’ve been asked over the years, both by my safari clients and others, what and how to pack for a trip like this, so it felt like this might be a good time ...The post Packing For An African Safari (Updated) first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

The Problem with Mood

I do a little moonlighting for a small computer and imaging company that rhymes with Snapple.They are under the mistaken impression that my nearly 40 years behind the camera means I know what I’m talking about.The post The Problem with Mood first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

The Power of Mood

I’m not so much after eyes as I am hearts and minds.The mood of a photograph is its emotional tone—a ...The post The Power of Mood first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

The Perfect Camera Bag

Spoiler alert: 15 years ago I found the perfect camera bag, and I’m giving one away.I am embarrassed by how many camera bags I own.The post The Perfect Camera Bag first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

Are You Pushing the Right Buttons?

I have a confession: I only know what 5% of the buttons, dials, and menu items on my camera do.But I know that my first cameras only had the ability to focus, select the aperture, change the shutter speed, and specify the ISO.The menu options ...

Blinded By What You Don’t See.

There’s a curse among photographers, if you believe in such things (curses, that is, not photographers), and it’s this: Sometimes what we do not see can blind us to what is in front of us.Go somewhere with a certain kind of photograph in mind and you might look so hard for that kind of image that you never see ...The post Blinded By What You Don’t See. first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

Part 2: What Makes The Image Work?

On Sunday, I showed you one of my photographs and sent you to my blog to discuss it, asking questions about the decisions I made and the effect of those decisions.The point was to get you thinking about the all the many choices we make in order to create one photograph.The post Part 2: What Makes The Image Work? first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

What Makes the Image Work?

My cousin James had a reputation as a kid for taking things apart.One Christmas he dismantled down to the wiring every gift he was given.The post What Makes the Image Work? first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

My Remote Camera Set-up

This is a quick one but I’ve had some questions about the way I photograph bears and rhinos so close without frightening the animals or jeopardizing my own safety, so I’m posting this as a place to direct people interested in this.If you look at the picture above you can see two cameras, one is mine and the other ...The post My Remote Camera Set-up first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

More Interested, More Interesting

A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting on a river, happily photographing grizzly bears.After a two-day drive and a quick turnaround at home, I was off to San Francisco to sign 1,000 copies of the hardcover special edition of my new book, Light, Space, & Time: Essays on Camera Craft and Creativity.The post More Interested, More Interesting first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

Light, Space & Time

But give me a moment to talk about the book itself.Despite the wildlife photographs that illustrate the book, Light, ...The post Light, Space & Time first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

Show Me Less to Show Me More

As a photographer who learned his craft before autofocus became a truly reliable technology, my earliest challenge was focusing the lens.But focusing the lens was never so hard as learning ...The post Show Me Less to Show Me More first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

Keep At It. Wonder Awaits.

 It was 39 years ago on a summer day much like today when I picked up a 35mm Voigtländer rangefinder camera at a neighbour’s garage sale.That whim would change my life, drain my bank account many times over the decades that followed, and make me a different human being than I might have been if I’d bought the tennis racquet instead.The post Keep At It. Wonder Awaits. first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

Stronger Photographs With Just One Decision

I think a lot photographers put all their creative eggs in too few baskets.They look to the work they do with the camera as job one, which it is.The post Stronger Photographs With Just One Decision first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

3 Ways To Give Your Images Their Best Chance

In my last video I resumed a conversation I’ve been dying to come back to.And are we missing important creative opportunities?The post 3 Ways To Give Your Images Their Best Chance first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

A Better Edit Makes Better Photographs

When I came home from Kenya last year, I had a hard drive filled to busting with 30,000 images.I’d been photographing for 30 days, so that’s a daily average of 1,000 photographs which, it turns out, is really easy ...The post A Better Edit Makes Better Photographs first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

Grizzlies of the Khutzeymateen

Ten years ago, I got off a de Havilland Beaver, the quintessential bush plane of the Canadian north, and stepped into the Khutzeymateen Grizzly Sanctuary for the first time—and it was love at first sight.The long inlet not far from the border with Alaska is flanked by mountains and cliffs, all covered in evergreens draped with flowing moss, and ...The post Grizzlies of the Khutzeymateen first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

Artists & Explorers

Put the coffee on, find a place to settle in.And then scroll to the bottom to see some images from my recent wolf expedition A month ago, I found myself in a tuxedo, eating ants and mealworms (but not the scorpions, grubs, or tarantulas also on offer) ...The post Artists & Explorers first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

The Best Photography Advice I Ever Got

As far as photographic advice goes, this one is a favourite: don’t shoot what it looks like; shoot what it feels like.It’s not my original quote, but it is very poetic.The post The Best Photography Advice I Ever Got first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

The Problem with Mood

I do a little moonlighting for a small computer and imaging company that rhymes with Snapple.They are under the mistaken impression that my nearly 40 years behind the camera means I know what I’m talking about.The post The Problem with Mood first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

The Power of Mood

Photography can be many things.The mood of a photograph is its emotional tone—a ...The post The Power of Mood first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

Three Questions For Choosing Your Gear

In two days, I pack the truck and head north up Vancouver Island to meet my wolf guide, Tom, before spending two weeks camped on a remote island, waiting for coastal wolves to wander in front of my cameras. 🤞 Maybe some otters, bears, or eagles, too.Packing for a trip is always a mix of excitement and indecision.The post Three Questions For Choosing Your Gear first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.

A Word About Art-Making

One of the happy perils of posting your work online is the very real possibility of criticism.The internet, especially social media, emboldens us. But it’s not only the internet.The post A Word About Art-Making first appeared on David duChemin - Photographer, Author, Creative Instigator.