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How to dynamically select properties in Power Apps

In Power Apps there is sometimes a need to select a property dynamically. You get the name of the property from ,for example, a dropdown, and now you want to retrieve the value of that property in a record.

Variables in Copilot Studio

In the my previous posts about Copilot Studio, I've already had a look at Variables and how to work with variables. However it will be useful to take this a bit further. In this post I'm looking at all the things you can do with variables in Copilot Studio.

Actions in Copilot Studio

After yesterday's post about Activities in Copilot Studio, today I'm looking at Actions in Copilot Studio. The terminology here is confusing for Power Automate users.

How to use Activities in Copilot Studio

After looking at Triggers in Copilot Studio a few weeks ago, I'm taking the next step in this post. Activities in Copilot Studio.

Get the Largest Divisor in Power Apps

Last week I someone ask me about calculating the largest divisor for a number within Power Apps. This had to be fast! With the right approach, this is easy to do.

Allow management of Content Types on SharePoint Lists using Power Automate

Within SharePoint there is the option to allow management of content types. But how do you manage this setting within Power Automate?

1 Quick Tip – Think positive conditions in Power Automate

This is a quick tip blog post about Power Automate conditions in Power Automate. With the new(?) development UI, it is important to think positive.

Microsoft Releases Custom Power Fx Functions Feature for Power Automate

Today Microsoft released custom Power Fx functions to support reusable code within Power Automate. In this post how to create and use these custom functions.

Create your Copilot agent and add it to Microsoft Teams

In my last few posts, I've looked at creating an Copilot agent. Now the next step is to put the agent somewhere useful. In this post I'll create a basic agent and add it to Microsoft Teams.

Trigger your Topics in Copilot Studio

After yesterday's general introduction into developing agents in Copilot Studio. Today I will have a look at the first step of topics, triggers.

Get started with Copilot Studio

To get started with Copilot Studio is easy visit and we are ready to get started with the creation of our first Agent.

Use Power Automate Connector Actions directly from Power Apps

Often people create flows to call Microsoft Graph end points or Approval from within Power Apps rather than "Power Automate connector actions" from within Power Apps.

Stop contacting Microsoft support for simple questions with Microsoft 365 Self-Help connector! (Maybe )

Microsoft has released a new connector in Preview. The Microsoft 365 Self-Help connector can now be used in a Power Automate flow.

Restore deleted flows in Power Automate

Now, it might happen to all of us. We delete a flow in Power Automate and then there is this oops moment. How do I restore deleted flows?

6 Essential Data Strategies for Success in the Power Platform

I'm very often asked, where should I store my data? Most of the time data strategies include one or more of the following: - SharePoint - Dataverse - SQL - Excel In this post 6 data strategies that you could consider before you design your next app.

Using Power Automate Desktop to do automated testing Power Apps

Power Apps studio includes test tools, however these are not available when you use co-authoring. So how about automated testing your Canvas Apps using Power Automate Desktop?

HTTP vs Send an HTTP Request in Power Automate

HTTP vs Send an HTTP Request in Power Automate One of my favourite actions in Power Automate is the HTTP action. However it is premium, while for a lot of the Graph API endpoints there are standard actions available.

Create an Avatar with presence status indicator in Power Apps

How can we get the modern Avatar control to use the Microsoft Teams’ presence to set its status indicator. One of the modern controls is

User Defined Types in Power Apps

Recently I already mentioned Named Formulas and User Defined Functions in my posts. Today I'm looking at User Defined Types.

SQL Functions for Encrypting and Decrypting Large text fields

After my post about Encrypting Rich Text fields in Power Apps that store their data in SQL server now the promised decryption code in this post as well.

Encrypt a large rich text field in SQL Stored Procedures

Recently I have done a lot of work with SQL Stored Procedures in Power Apps. But what do you do if you want to have some fields encrypted in your SQL database. In this post how to Encrypt and decrypt using stored procedures.

Weird date handling in Power Apps

This is a typical post on a Friday afternoon, about weird date handling in Power Apps. But understanding this issue will help in many situations. Dates in Power Apps A couple of examples of using dates in Power Apps Formatting of dates in If statement Now consider the following code in a label in Power […]

When an item is created vs When an item is created or modified

As part of my SharePoint connector series, I had a look at the When an item is created and the When an item is created or modified triggers in this post. When and item is created Then when an item is created trigger may sound like the trigger that you want to use when new […]

SQL Stored Procedures in Power Apps and the maximum data row limit

With connectors in Power Apps we can collect 2000 items at a time when we read data from lists and libraries. However with SQL Stored Procedures in Power Apps we have an option to avoid this limit! Power Apps data row limit You might be familiar with the following Data row limit setting: And most […]

How to develop business critical applications in Microsoft Excel?

Recently I have spoken with quite a few organisation who are interested in Microsoft 365, about business critical applications developed in Microsoft Excel. Quite a high percentage of organisations seem to run on Excel.

5 Best Practices for Named Formulas in Power Apps

Quite a few of my recent posts have been about named formulas in Power Apps. In this post I’m going through some of the best practices. Named Formulas A mentions in my previous posts named formulas can improve your app’s performance. However there are quite a few best practices that you should consider following when […]

Compare multi-select people fields in Power Apps

Yesterday, I needed to compare the values of two collections with people records. In this posts the details on how to compare multi-select people fields. The example app I created a SharePoint list that has two text fields, 2 choice fields and two multi-select people fields. Now I want to compare the values in the […]

Type cast tables coming from SQL Server stored procedures in Power Apps

A new feature in Power Apps is SQL Stored Procedures that can be called directly form the Power App. This will give you an UnTypedObject, but how do we type cast Tables? In this post the slow and the fast way. SQL Server Stored Procedures A while back I wrote about the upcoming SQL Server […]

This app ran into a problem in Power Apps

Today, one of my client’s app showed the This app ran into a problem error. How to debug the This app ran into a problem First we will need to find out how to reproduce the issue that resulted in the This app ran into a problem message. This can be harder than expected. Quite […]

User Defined Functions vs Named Formulas in Power Apps

Microsoft recently released User Defined Functions in Preview. In this post I'm going to compare User Defined Functions with Named Formulas.

How to use Named Formulas in Power Apps

Named Formulas were recently introduced into Power Apps. They can be great, but they do have a bit of a user guide. The principle ideas of Named Formulas Within the Formulas property you can specify as many Named Formulas as you want. As shown below this can then be used to take complex formulas away […]

The Visible property in forms in Power Apps

Recently I came across a bit of a weird behaviour in Power Apps where the Visible property of a data card and a DataCardValue control’s Visible property was giving me false values while fields were shown within forms in my app. My example app So I replicated the problem in an app in my development […]

1000th blog post on

A couple of weeks ago I announced that the 1000th blog post on was on its way! Well, you are looking at this post now. The 1000th blog post competition results You might have entered the competition in my post from a few weeks ago. And the winners have been selected. I will email […]

Time to celebrate my 7th Microsoft MVP award

I just received that email for the 7th time confirming my 7th Microsoft MVP award. Every year it is that MVP Buzz confirming the renewal (or not). Can you become a Microsoft MVP as well? Yes of course you can. Start your own user group, start your own blog or start your own YouTube Channel […]

Dates in Dataverse written by Power Apps and read by Power Automate

Dates in Dataverse used by Power Apps and Power Automate can cause all sorts of challenges. How often have you had a date being an hour out from what you expect them to be? Creating date fields in Dataverse In this post I’ve created a table with 5 date fields. One for each variation possible. […]

It is time to win! Nearly 1000 blog posts on

In the last 15 years, I’ve nearly written nearly 1000 blogs posts about Microsoft technology. So, it is time for a competition on Why Since that first blog post I’ve continued writing about the challenges that I had with Microsoft technology. Sometimes I found bugs that needed a workaround. However quite often my […]

Set SharePoint Item-Level Permissions using Power Automate

In this post I’m going through the steps to update SharePoint Item-level permissions using Power Automate and The SharePoint Rest API. Item-Level Permissions Within the Advanced settings of a SharePoint list, the Item-Level Permissions the default settings are Read all items and Create and edit all items. You might however sometimes want to switch this […]

Fast performing nested galleries with Named Formulas in Power Apps

For a long time it has been struggle to have nested galleries when you have high volume of data. But not with Named Formulas in Power apps. Nested Galleries In the below example you can see how we have two nested galleries. One gallery will show some data and the nested gallery will show data […]

Code after the navigate function in Canvas Power Apps

Within Canvas Apps it is quite common to navigate from one screen to another screen. During app health checks I often find code after the navigate function. Is this a good idea? Or do we need to be careful? The Navigate Function The navigate function can be used when you want a user to click […]

Make use of Dataverse Views in Canvas Apps

When you create model driven apps you would expect to create Dataverse views to display your data, but how about Canvas apps? In this post an easy way to create a dropdown to control your data in your galleries. Dataverse Views Within Dataverse we can create tables and for Tables we can create views, that […]

Do until in the new Power Automate Designer

The new Power Automate designer is getting a lot of negative attention. There are however a quite a few improvements in new Power Automate Designer. The Do Until step is one of those improvements in the new UI. Do Until In the classic UI, I’ve seen many used the Do Until often in combination with […]

Preferred solution in the Power Platform

Recently Microsoft released the preferred solution feature in Power Apps and Power Automate. But how does the Preferred solution configuration work? Solutions Before we look at preferred solution it is important to understand what solutions are. Where in the past you might have gone to Apps, Flows or Tables in the Power apps or Power […]